We have a wealth of expertise in restorative justice and mediation, both on theoretical and practical level.
The Finnish Forum for Mediation and restorative justice is the international programme of the Finnish mediation cooperation organization, Finnish Forum for Mediation (FFM). FFM was founded in 2003 and it is an independent, non-governmental organization.
Now, in 2022, and with funds allocated from the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, FFM established its international programme to advance mediation work at the global scale.
FFM’s expertise lies in the wide-ranging knowledge of theory, development and appliance concerning restorative justice and mediation practices.
The FFM board, personnel and members come from different sectors of the mediation field. Therefore, we are able to cover a wide variety of mediation practices from schools and community settings to criminal cases.
For us, international cooperation is an essential factor in making the entire field of mediation and restorative justice well-known as well as widely and effectively utilized.
We strengthen and develop restorative justice approaches and mediation practices as part of sustainable, peaceful societal development.
It is our wish and intention to put our expertise into good use on a global scale. As part of our newly established international programme, we advance both the mediation and the restorative justice agendas by:
- Actively participating in peer learning platforms
- Contributing to knowledge exchange at international level
- Offering training on restorative mediation and restorative justice via non-profit expert services
- Conducting and participating into research and development
Our work is founded on the principles and values of restorative justice, needs-based actions and cooperation
Restorative principles
The primary aim of restorative justice is to address and repair harm. Thus, restorative principles entail dialogue, learning and taking responsibility.
Restorative processes are inclusive, unbiased and respectful to the dignity of all participants. Participation to restorative processes is voluntary and the mediator is committed to confidentiality and to create a safe space for expression of feelings and views of harm.
Restorative principles support and advance:
- Goals of sustainable and long-term peace-building
- Active, democratic citizenship
- Human-rights-based rule of law
We value international cooperation and working in networks. Cooperation is an essential factor for the development and effectiveness of the entire mediation field.
We participate actively in research and development of the normative and institutional frameworks for restorative justice and mediation practices together with our peers and partners.
Needs-based actions
We take action based on requests from the field and develop solutions together with all involved parties.
We develop operating models based on needs and advance solutions that build on existing, efficient practices. Local ownership guarantees sustainable and long-lasting outcomes.
The FFM international program is funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland